Can I Apply Makeup After Botox?

Sometimes, After Botox, you’ll notice swelling or bruising at the injection site. you might want to wear makeup to cover it before leaving the office. But should you?

Ideally, you should have nothing on your face at least four hours following treatment. But if you must, we recommend to wait for 10-20 minutes until the small injection puncture site closes. After that, you may use some makeup to cover any bruising or swelling on the site.

Makeup should be applied very delicately, since you shouldn’t be rubbing the skin several hours following treatment. Use a sponge or a brush with gentle tapping movements in order to reduce the pressure applied. If there is too much makeup and rubbing on the sites of injection, you can increase the irritation and cause more discomfort for yourself. This is also a protective measure against the spreading of the injected material to undesired areas of the face like the eye muscles, which can cause a temporary eyelids dropping.

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