Facial Redness


“Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m schizophrenic, and so am I.”

-Oscar Levant


Having a red face is a common complaint in Aesthetics as many struggle with red skin. Facial Redness can be caused by many conditions including rosacea, seborrhea, sun damage, or acne. This is not a purely cosmetic complaint as a lot of people report it to be painful at times as well. Hence, keeping this condition under control is of utmost importance.

In this condition, the face appears red or pink with prominent hair-like blood vessels forming a very fine network. This is different from facial veins. Facial veins are generally more scattered and have normal skin color and texture in between. Yet, not uncommon that we find both conditions coexisting in the same patient.

What are the causes of facial redness?

Most common causes seen include?

Rosacea – This is a common, incurable, chronic skin condition that can mimic adult acne. It’s more common among caucasian people with fair skin. This condition is typically prominent in the mid face, upper cheeks and nose area. It can show up as redness only, but can also include red pimples, vascular lines, enlarged red nose with bulbous qualities. It can even involve the eyes causing red eyes, swollen eyelids, conjunctivitis, and corneal inflammation. Unlike acne, rosacea wouldn’t be outgrown but there are several treatment options that can help lessen the symptoms. 

Most common causes of Rosacea includes: Bacterial infection, hormonal changes, sun exposure, improper use of facial products, and lifestyle triggers like alcohol abuse or poor diet.

Acne – Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States. It often starts at adolescence during puberty, but can really start at any age, and patients can continue to have outbreaks at any stage of their lives resulting in facial redness and painful, swollen blemishes. Acne forms when the tiny pores on the skin get clogged by oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, or debris. This is commonly more noticeable when Hormonal changes take place, increasing the amount of sebum these pores need to get rid of. As a result, an inflammatory reaction starts at that pore causing the acne. 

Seborrhea – Also known as Seborrheic dermatitis. This is a condition that typically presents as flaky, possibly itchy, red patches. If present on the scalp, is commonly referred to as dandruff. In addition to the face, these patches are common on the chest, abdomen, buttocks, and skin folds. This condition can affect any person of any age or gender, but it’s most commonly seen in men with oily skin. Common causes of Seborrhea includes: Stress, Genetics, yeast infection, or cold and dry weather conditions.

Who to Prevent Facial Redness?

It typically depends on the cause; but in general committing to avoid certain triggers can help keep this condition under control. For example,

  • Rosacea: Avoid eating spicy foods, smoking, and wear only high-quality cosmetics that offer sun blocking protection without clogging the pores. 
  • Acne: Follow daily skincare regimen, use products that are gentle on the skin, being more aggressive and abrasive doesn’t help open up more pores but rather cause more injuries that might become a perfect medium for bacterial growth.
  • Seborrhea: Treatment of underlying condition and controlling stress with rest and exercise can help prevent seborrhea. Wash every day with gentle cleanser. Consider using medicated shampoos and sulfur products to control this condition.

How to treat facial redness?

Topical agents

Prevention and keeping the conditions under control starts by adapting a healthy and gentle skin care regimen. Starting with a gentle cleanser, gentle exfoliator and a hydrating agent. ZO daily skin regimen works beautifully to get your skin ready for the day. Apply sunscreen daily with SPF of 50+. Other skin care products such as Rozetrol was found affective in keeping rosacea and acne flares under control.

Laser treatment

Laser redness treatment was found to be effective in treating facial redness. It is considered one of the best solution for facial redness. In Rosacea, Laser treatment can remove blood vessels and improve extensive redness. Generally, three treatments are needed depending on the severity and the amount of visible blood vessels. After the procedure, this skin might appear to be more red for 4-8 hours, with slight stinging sensation similar to sunburn, and mild swelling. With Laser therapy some patients will experience complete clearing of their redness, which might last for years.

Plasma therapy

Plasma or PRP injections have been found to be efficacious in the treatment of facial redness. PRP was able to lessen Seborrhea, enhance the healing of acne, and improve the appearance of rosacea. 


This is a lifetime problem that you don’t have to live with…

Come in today to discuss the best treatment option available specifically for you.

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Chrysolite Aesthetics
10130 Louetta Rd, Suite A1
Houston, TX 77070
Phone: 832-698-1157

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