Dos And Don’ts In Fillers!

Fillers have become the second most requested treatment in non-invasive cosmetics. It ranks second immediately after neuromodulators like Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport. As a physician and an injector, I find this treatment especially to be the most rewarding for my patients. While a lot of the treatments that we do require few days or even weeks to show effect, this one has immediate results, and clients get to enjoy their desired transformation as soon as they leave the office. But in order for you to enjoy this transformation, there are some Dos and Don’t that you need to be aware of, either before or after the procedure. Here are some of them:

Before Having Your Fillers!




After Having Fillers



Swelling, bruising, itching and nodular feeling in the injected areas are all normal after your filler treatment. We will bring you back for a followup in two weeks to see your progress but you need to contact the office immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:


Ready to restore your youth with Fillers?



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